Anger Towards God

Anger is sometimes attributed to sin.  However, even Jesus got angry and threw people out of the temple, his Father’s house.  What happens during the discussion is when someone brings up being angry with God.  Many Christians clam up and don’t want to agree or disagree with the idea of Anger Towards God.  In this episode of the Elephant in the Pew, Ryan and Stephen along special guest, Steve Allen discuss the Elephant of being Angry with God.

Show Notes:

Anger Towards God

  • Is it a sin to be Angry with God?

I say no.  Being angry can be good at times, It shows we care about our relationship with Him; that we care enough to try, rather than just walking away. It shows we are willing to be real, to not hide behind a front, but to open our genuine selves to Him.

  • Can we be Angry with God and maintain our Faith?

Yes, but not for long.  Anger has to be a “get it out of our system” type of thing.  We get it out there we talk to God, even yelling will help.  I say if we get angry then we notice something in ourselves and we can also start to change it.  Remember God wants a relationship with us, I think he’s strong enough to take some of our yelling and let us get it out so we can move forward with him.

  • Aren’t we allowed to question things?

Yes we are, in fact Paul instructs us to question everything with faith.  Knowing that God is going to do good things, he will only do what’s right for us, even if we don’t necessarily know how it’s good for us right away.  Now knowing God will do thing in our best interest doesn’t mean everyone else will, we should always questions anything that people claim is from God.  People are fallen beings and we have this knack of being selfish and only doing what’s good for ourselves and so we must test everything and question it so that we can know if it truly is from God.

Closing statement:

Should we ever be angry with God?  No, ultimately mature Christians will very rarely (if ever) be angry with God.  They don’t see the need, but can we be angry with God, yes.  I don’t think it’s the same anger that we see towards other humans, but there can be an anger when we can’t understand what’s going on.  God is Great, and nothing he does is anything but great.  He urges us to follow his path and anything that happens to us on that path is for the benefit of our relationship with him.  Can we be angry with him? Yes, but maturity says it won’t happen.